PlantSight Enterprise Help

To Use the Select Tool in the 3D View

In the 3D View, the Select Tool works together with the Selection Tool Settings and the Selection Scope options to refine selections of objects.

Follow these steps to use the Select Tool in the 3D view.

  1. Click Select Tool ( ) then click Selection Tool Settings( ).

    A toolbar opens containing two sets of "Mode" options that you can use at any time to change the current selection set.

  2. Click the Mode option then click in the model twice, drawing the endpoints of a line.

    All objects intersected by this line become selected.

  3. Click the Mode option then click in the model twice, drawing the endpoints of another line.

    All objects intersected by this line become selected and are added to the existing selection set.

  4. Click the Mode options and then click in the model twice using a left-right direction, drawing the corners of a rectangular range block.

    The existing selection set is replaced by a new one, which consists of all objects inside the boundaries of the range block.

Whenever a selection set is made, an additional group of Select Tool icons appear in the 3D View. These allow you to manipulate the selection set.

  1. Click Isolate Selected.

    The display of all objects except the objects in the selection set is turned off.

The bottom of the 3D View has a toolbar with several tools that work with the Select Tool.

  1. Click Clear Hide/Isolate/Emphasize.

    The isolated view is cleared, and the view is redrawn. The hidden objects are again displayed.

  2. Select Scope > Top Assembly.

    This will set the "Selection Scope", which affects how objects are selected based on their hierarchy in the digital twin.

  3. Click the Mode options and then click on an object.

    The existing selection set is replaced by a new one that consists of all objects who are members of the top assembly of which the selected object is a member.